Kiwanis Doernbecher Children’s Hospital Cancer Research
Our Kiwanis club raises funds for Childrens cancer research. Over the years, we have helped with funding the Pediatric Hematology / Oncology Fellowship Program at OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital.
Members provide and fit helmets to kids accompanied by an adult at several of the safety fairs in Josephine County. We provided more than 500 helmets in 2023.
Kids are fitted for their helmetFree bike helmets for kids at safety fairs
College Scholarships
Caveman Kiwanis Club awards college and trade school scholarships every year to high school seniors. For information to obtain a scholarship application contact HTTPS://REDWOODFOREDUCATION.ORG
North Valley High School
Hidden Valley High School
Illinois Valley High School
Grants Pass High School
Bill Schramm Memorial Scholarship – Trade School Scholarship for Hidden Valley High School
Kiwanis Builders Club Sponsor
Our Kiwanis club brings in food and treats and recognizes, supports and encourages the kids, through example, so they feel empowered to do great things in their communities. We support Fleming Middle School Builders Club service projects, facilitate the Builders Club meetings, provide mentorships. We sponsor the following Kiwanis Builders club:
Members work on projects like this one at Camp Ruth Hyde to make sure the camp is ready for the girl scouts to enjoy.
We sponsor the scouts each year and the United Commissioner and Charter Representative present us with the Charter for Scout Troop # 22.
Special Olympics
We work with Special Olympics Athletes in several sports throughout the year. Our members coach athletes in bowling, basketball, track and field, bocce ball, softball and power lifting. We enjoy providing a pizza party at the annual awards ceremony for the athletes.
Having fun serving pizza to the athletes
Flag project in Downtown Grants Pass
Our members install American flags on the light poles on 6th, 7th, and G streets downtown for all of the patriotic holidays. You will see them early in the morning on Saturdays putting up and taking down the flags.
Kiwanis flag project
Breakfast meetings on Tuesdays at 7:30 a.m. Black Bear Diner
What We Do
Kiwanis Doernbecher Children’s Hospital Cancer Research
Our Kiwanis club raises funds for Childrens cancer research. Over the years, we have helped with funding the Pediatric Hematology / Oncology Fellowship Program at OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital.
Learn more at
Bicycle Helmets for Kids at Safety Fairs
Members provide and fit helmets to kids accompanied by an adult at several of the safety fairs in Josephine County. We provided more than 500 helmets in 2023.
College Scholarships
Caveman Kiwanis Club awards college and trade school scholarships every year to high school seniors. For information to obtain a scholarship application contact HTTPS://REDWOODFOREDUCATION.ORG
Kiwanis Builders Club Sponsor
Our Kiwanis club brings in food and treats and recognizes, supports and encourages the kids, through example, so they feel empowered to do great things in their communities. We support Fleming Middle School Builders Club service projects, facilitate the Builders Club meetings, provide mentorships. We sponsor the following Kiwanis Builders club: Fleming Middle School
Kiwanis Terrific Kids Sponsor
We honor student achievement through their deeds and actions at school. We are currently sponsoring the following Kiwanis Terrific Kids club:
Community Service – Camp Ruth Hyde
Members work on projects like this one at Camp Ruth Hyde to make sure the camp is ready for the girl scouts to enjoy.
We sponsor the scouts each year and the United Commissioner and Charter Representative present us with the Charter for Scout Troop # 22.
Special Olympics
We work with Special Olympics Athletes in several sports throughout the year. Our members coach athletes in bowling, basketball, track and field, bocce ball, softball and power lifting. We enjoy providing a pizza party at the annual awards ceremony for the athletes.
Flag project in Downtown Grants Pass
Our members install American flags on the light poles on 6th, 7th, and G streets downtown for all of the patriotic holidays. You will see them early in the morning on Saturdays putting up and taking down the flags.
Upcoming events
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